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Delaware Tides

Delaware tide charts and tide tables. Station page links below, and if you need any help finding a station, select any station then click on it's maps tab. Every stations map displays all of the DE tides stations you can navigate to.

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal:
[St. Georges] - [Summit Bridge] - [Chesapeake City]

Christina River:
[Millside, RR. bridge] - [Delaware City] - [Delaware City Branch Channel bridge] - [Taylors Bridge, Blackbird Creek] - [Wilmington Marine Terminal]

Delaware Bay:
[Mispillion River entrance] - [Murderkill River entrance] - [New Castle] - [Newbold, Delaware River] - [Riggins Ditch (0.5mi. above entrance)] - [Sluice Creek, Route 47 bridge] - [West Creek (0.7mi. above entrance)] - [Artificial Island, Salem Nuclear Plant] - [Mahon River entrance] - [Greenwich Pier, Cohansey River] - [Leipsic, Leipsic River] - [Bidwell Creek, Route 47 bridge] - [River Cove (East Point)] - [Dennis Creek, Route 47] - [Dennis Creek, (2.5mi. above entrance)]

Delaware River:
[Woodland Beach] - [Hope Creek, 0.6 n.mi. above entrance] - [Edgemoor]

Indian River Inlet (Coast Guard Station)
Lewes, Fort Miles
Money Island, Nantuxent Creek entrance

Nantuxent Cove:
[Cedar Creek entrance] - [Back Creek entrance]

Newport Landing, Nantuxent Creek
Pea Patch Island, Bulkhead Shoal Channel
Raccoon Ditch, Newport Meadows, Stow Creek
Reedy Point, Reedy Canal
Rehoboth Beach
Weir Creek bridge, Dividing Creek